As part of this special Leadership Bundle Package, you will receive instant access to ALL of the following tools & resources.

Awaken Your Urban Ministry
In this manual, Tracy J. Brown shares the process he implements in ministries around the country to help them maximize their potential. (PDF Download)

Leadership Assessment For Urban Ministries
This is a self assessment to help you evaluate yourself and your ministry leaders. (MP3 Download)

Forty Ministry Job Descriptions
In this manual, Tracy J. Brown shares downloadable samples of the forty most important job descriptions for Ministry Growth. (PDF Download)

Leadership Philosophy For Ministry Growth
In this recording, Tracy J. Brown shares 21 principles to help your ministry grow. (MP3 Download)

21st Century Leadership Model For Urban Ministries
In this recording, Tracy J. Brown shares how to Maximize The Potential of Your Leadership Team. (MP3 Download)

Recruit and Train Ministry Leaders
In this recording Tracy J. Brown shares his system for recruiting, training and retaining ministry leaders. (MP3 Download)

Job Descriptions For Ministry Growth
In this recording, Tracy J. Brown explains how to utilize job descriptions for ministry growth. (MP3 Download)

Fortune 500 Management Model For Ministry Growth
In this recording, Tracy J. Brown shares the fortune 500 Management Model for Ministry Growth. (MP3 Download)