Decline Of The Black Church

In assessing the black church or urban church today, we find a huge decline in healthy ministries.  These churches flourished in the past and they have a long community history. These churches grew in size, reputation and influence.  People marveled after them, studied them and flocked to them in order to learn how to grow the church. However, today many of these churches have lost their luster.  How does this happen? Why does this happen so frequently? I know each church reasoning may vary. However, the common factor no one can deny is the fact that they all fail to raise up new leaders.

If leadership is so crucial, why do we leave it to chance? Some leaders think like this: “Things are going great we do not need to develop more leaders.” Some leaders do not raise up new leaders because fear of the new leader taking over or having to share the power. What system does your ministry have in place to produce new leaders? Any good system to develop leaders will start with a process to Identify the write leaders, a Recruiting process, Training program and how to Retain leaders.


Your action Plan for your Ministry Leadership growth. It begins with the Pastor’s growth. It will not just happen, it must be led by the Leader.


Successful Action Steps To Growing Your Ministry Leadership:

Start each day with 15 minutes of prayer with your team. (Be discipline Start and end on time.)

 Have a three day retreat with your team each year.

Include recreation and worship

Develop ministry plan for next twelve months

To establish a system of records and evaluate ministry results.

Consider an outside facilitator

 Every three months go off-site for a half day of prayer, review, and renewal. Deal with current relational issues within the team. Make unity a priority.

Finish everyday with prayer and a clean slate with God about the ministry he has appointed you as Leader.

If you would like a ministry Plan to grow your ministry, click here.

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    By: Tracy J. Brown

    Mr. Tracy J. Brown, devoted father and husband, is a distinguished author, speaker, coach, consultant and urban leadership expert. He has achieved national prominence by teaching individuals, ministries and organizations how to socially and economically advance urban communities using biblical leadership principles.

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About the Author
Mr. Tracy J. Brown, devoted father and husband, is a distinguished author, speaker, coach, consultant and urban leadership expert. He has achieved national prominence by teaching individuals, ministries and organizations how to socially and economically advance urban communities using biblical leadership principles.

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